JULY 16 - 19, 2025

Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport
Erlanger, Kentucky  41018


Where and when will the next Vent Haven ConVENTion be held?

Vent Haven ConVENTion 2024 will be held on July 17-20 at the Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport Hotel.  The airport is only about 15 minutes south of Cincinnati, Ohio. (For more information click the link to the  Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport)

NOTE: You can not book a room at the conVENTion rate without registering for the conVENTion first.

How much is registration and how do I go about registering?

The registration this year is $175 for the first family member and $125 for each additional family member.  After May 1, 2023 the price goes to $225 for the first family member and $175 for additional family members.

You may register online or mail in your registration using the form located on our official ConVENTion brochure, which may be downloaded on the homepage of this website.  Just download it and send it in.

Do I pay a day rate or is the pre-registration enough?

The day rates of $85.00 per person per day only apply when you don’t want a full registration.  The day rate applies when you can only be at the ConVENTion for a single day or two.  The 85.00 fee is for each individual day.  You buy your registration by the individual days that you can attend.

How much is a dealer's table and how do I arrange it?

Vent Haven ConVENTion is pleased to offer two dealers’ rooms at this year’s gathering.

Dealers who have merchandise related to ventiloquism in some way are eligible to exhibit at the ConVENTion.  Space may be arranged for a dealer’s table ($115.00 for the first table and $85.00 for one additional table) at registration but exhibit space is limited to only 24-26 dealers, so it is on a “first come” basis.

Many dealers take credit cards, especially those that sell figures.  Cash and checks are acceptable as well.  A list of the dealers attending will be released close to convention time when all the tables are reserved.

Are any meals included in your registration?
No.  Since we are working at a convention center and hotel, there is no cafeteria-style eating and no meals provided.  However, there are restaurants on site and, during the lunch time, we have a sandwich bar available in ConVENTion lecture/stage area.
Where do I fly to in order to come to the ConVENTion?
You can fly into the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG) and catch a free shuttle ride to the convention hotel. The Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport provides this shuttle as a service to all attendees.
I'm a new comer to vent ... is this ConVENTion for me?
Absolutely!  We offer things of interest for the beginners as well as the pros.  It’s the only ConVENTion in the world where you can directly ask pro vents questions about the art and even have some one on one time with them.  This conVENTion is almost like a family reunion … there is a lot of sharing … a lot of learning … and a lot of fun!!
What about the Vent Haven Museum? Do we get to see it?
Yes.  We have free shuttle tours on Saturday of ConVENTion week that will get you to and from the fabulous Vent Haven Museum. There are three buildings on the museum site filled with photos, vent figures and puppets, memorabilia, and much more.  Sign-ups to ride the bus over to Vent Haven are available during Registration.  If you have a car and would like to drive yourself, directions to the museum are printed on the convention schedule.  Parking is limited.  Non-flash photography is permitted at Vent Haven but only for personal use.   In order to publish pictures of Vent Haven Museum including internet publishing, blogs, and picture-sharing websites, you must get written permission from Vent Haven Museum in advance at www.venthaven.org.
Do you accept credit cards to pay for the registration?

If you wish to use a credit card you must register online. We only accept major credit cards via our website through Square. – (Dummy Guy LLC)

The conVENTion does not accept credit cards by phone or in person. 

We also accept checks and cash!

Are there contests for me to participate in?
We did away with contests a number of years ago, but we have instead “Open Mic’ sessions for both Juniors and Seniors.  This is on a “first come” basis as well with 10 spots being available in each group. We also have a General Open Mic session that will spans three sessions with 8 participants at each session. Keep watching the website to find out how to apply for these spots.
What is an "Open Mic" session?
An open mic session is not a contest; instead it is an opportunity for an attendee to do his or her best 6 minutes in front of an audience.  For those registered for the Junior and Senior Open Mics, each participant will get a certificate as well as comments from a panel of three judges, who will give their opinions as to how the act went, what needs to improve, etc.  There are no winners … there are no losers! This is a great way to brush up on your act without the pressure of a contest.  You only compete with yourself!
Will I fit in since I'm new to vent?
Absolutely!!  You may come as a stranger but you will leave inspired with a whole circle of vent friends, guaranteed!  This is THE place to learn and have fun with the art of ventriloquism.  It is a conVENTion run by pros who want to expand the art and to keep it alive and well.  Come enjoy the fun!!
I'm an international conventioneer. How can I pay for registration?

You can mail an International Money Order with your registration, or you can wait to register once you arrive at the hotel*.  

The Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport has a Fifth Third Bank branch in the airport that will exchange international currency.  It is located in Delta Concourse B near gate B11 and across from Borders books.  For more information about currency exchange, contact Fifth Third’s airport branch at 859-647-5473.  

P.O. BOX 75011
PHONE: (859) 647-5473

Monday-Sunday 7:30am-8:00pm EST

If you plan to wait and register when you arrive, please note you will not be able to make a hotel reservation at the conVENTion rate. We highly recommend you register in advance AND reserve a room to be certain you have a place to stay.

Can I audio/videotape during the convention?
Audio or video recording of any kind during lectures or performances is strictly prohibited except for approved media people who will be wearing Media Badges.
What will the weather be like and how should I dress?

Casual, comfortable clothes are most appropriate.  The hotel is air-conditioned so if that tends to make you chilly, you might want to bring a sweater/sweatshirt to the sessions.  Shorts, jeans, khakis are all appropriate.  Comfort is most important.

The tours of Vent Haven are typically quite warm. Kentucky in July tends to be hot with daytime temperatures typically ranging in the 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  Although the museum buildings are air-conditioned, they are small and heat up fast with the large convention crowds.  Dress to be hot for the tours.

Are there any events or shows open to the public?
No.  All activities are for registered attendees only.  However, you CAN purchase a single day convention pass and receive admittance to all activities on that day. For pricing of the day pass please check our registration page. For the general public, Saturday would be the recommended day to purchase a single day pass, as the price would include the Big Saturday Night Show, a tour of Vent Haven Museum, and three workshops.  Upon registration, you receive a name badge which is your ticket to all events.
Will the group photo be available?

The group photo will be available online through the Vent Haven ConVENTion website within a few weeks of the conVENTion.  Anyone who would like a copy can download it and get it printed in your hometown.  If you use www.walmart.com, you can get an 8×10 printed for less than $3.  Instructions for this process will be posted on the ConVENTion website along with the downloadable picture.

If I bring my family, what can they do while I'm attending the convention?
For ideas about activities in the Greater Cincinnati area, go to the Cincinnati USA website, HERE.
Can I just come and visit the dealers rooms?
To visit the dealers rooms, you must have a pass. A one day pass is available and may be purchased in advance, or upon arrival.
Vent Haven ConVENTion

 July 16 - 19, 2025

Holiday Inn
Cincinnati Airport 

1717 Airport Exchange Blvd.
Erlanger, Kentucky
United States