Something Big Is Coming In October With The Vent Haven ConVENTion!!
That’s right, we have a new home for the Vent Haven ConVENTion … the CINCINNATI AIRPORT HOLIDAY INN. And you CAN get a room reservation early before the crowd starts.
You Must First Register For The VHC
To get a room at our special rate ($112. plus tax per night) you must first register for the VHC at $145. for the first family member and $100. each for additional family members and we will give you a booking code you can use when you call to book your room. We went to this system as many in the past held up rooms by booking early and then cancelling right before the ConVENTion, thus blocking out paid ConVENTion registrants from hotel rooms. With this new system, all paid ConVENTion registrants will be able to get rooms in our hotel and not have to worry about being left out!
October 1st. the new system starts and you can relax knowing you are secure in getting a room for Vent Haven ConVENTion 2018.